Saturday, March 5, 2011

Magically growing belly

I had to make a quick post to say that I swear my belly grew last night.  I barely slept so I'm not sure when it happened.  Normally my tummy is smaller in the morning and kind of grows as I eat during the day but this morning, I got up and looked in the mirror and I swear that its bigger.

I think I have some kind of cold or allergies or pregnancy related congestion.  As with most things this pregnancy, I cannot tell the difference.  Its been about 2 weeks but I think that maybe its gotten worse in the last few days making me think that it is a cold or allergies.  It is just my sinuses but I only get sick every few years and am feeling pretty miserable.  It could be allergies since over the last couple of weeks, the weather has become hotter and drier and distinctly different.

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