Wednesday, March 2, 2011

20 weeks

I'm 20 weeks this week which means that I am halfway there.  The biggest news is that I am feeling him kicking and moving around a lot and even Rob has felt a kick.  I'm finding the whole process fascinating.

According to the internet, he is the size of a small cantaloupe this week.  It just so happens that I bought 2 small locally grown cantaloupes this weekend.  I ate 1 yesterday and boy was it yummy.  I studied it next to my stomach and it seems a bit bigger than the baby.  Maybe they are just talking about length.

For the past week or so, its been getting pretty hot here and the regular rains have let up, too.  It still cools off at night which is nice but standing in the sun during the day can be brutal.  Its still nothing like Dallas summer, although, I can see that if it really gets hotter than this here, we will be very happy that our apartment is next to the pool.  Until then, I've discovered that the pool area is a nice place to hang out during the day.  It is central so people are always walking by and there are nice tables and chairs in the shade where it is always comfortable temperature-wise.

I'm still pretty obsessed with my weight.  I wont bore you with it but it is absolutely the most difficult part of this whole process for me.  I've given up on the idea of being all tummy.  I'm still walking on the treadmill regularly and am just trying to focus on how much I will be running on it after July to get back in shape.  For the first time yesterday, on the treadmill, I could really feel the baby hanging out very very low in my stomach. I dont think that he is a fan of my workouts but I'm going to keep at it as long as I can.  I can see now that I will hit a point where I will have to stop on the treadmill...maybe I can move to the bike after that.

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