In the mean time, I will tell about the yesterday's doctor's appointment. First of all, it was a lot more fun than usual because Rob was able to come with me. First we had another depressing weigh-in, not as depressing as the last one but I'll just say that I'm very happy that I am finally in control of my food and portions and not eating every meal in a restaurant. With that out of the way, we went in for the monthly ultrasound. I think the doctor really enjoys them and I am fascinated by them.
He started by taking the measurement of the circumference of the head and torso. Somehow they use these to double check the estimated due date. I noticed that based on the torso, I am 21 weeks and 2 days but based on the head, I am 22 weeks and 2 days so I guess the baby's head is slightly large and out of proportion. Please dont make fun of him for it...I'm sure he will grow into it eventually. We saw his beautiful brain which looked just like they do on TV so he has one for the time being.
Then the doctor's phone rang for the obligatory phone call from his family...usually it is his wife but this time it was his daughter. No big deal and it always makes me kind of glad that he is a family guy, and very glad that this time the ultrasound was on my stomach and not the internal one like the first visit where I had to endure the phone call.
After getting back on track, we watched the heart beat and confirmed that all of the ventricles are looking great. Then we distinctly saw the umbilical cord which Rob and the doctor had a nice joke about its size...if you know what I mean. Eventually, we got to the real proof that this kid is a boy and the doctor printed out the proof as a souvenir for me. If you can't tell what you are looking at, this is the view of my baby from the bottom. For those not used to these things, it is a cross section so trust me, he does actually have legs. The important part is where the arrow is. Imagine that he is sitting on a photocopier and we are seeing his butt (maybe he is leaning a bit to one side) and what is that arrow pointing to???? Yep, its the proof that he is a boy. The doctor said that I should tell everyone at home to buy lots of blue stuff...he says no yellow because he is definitely not a chicken.
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