Its the weekend so obviously it is raining here. It really sucks in the rain because we walk almost everywhere here. It rained all day yesterday, too. I haven't posted in a few days so I thought I would post an update.
I've worked out every day this week...40 minutes walking on the treadmill at 3.2 mph. Yesterday, as I walked to the gym, in the rain, I decided to count the stairs to see how much exercise I'm getting before I exercise...130 steps, that is what I have to walk up before I can even get to the treadmill. Its probably more like 160 to get to the club where we eat dinner.
I've now officially been here a week. I think for the most part, I know my way around. I've met a ton of people and my goal for next week is to start remembering so that when I see them again, maybe I will remember their name and what they do here. Last night was a big dinner up at the club to celebrate International Dia de la Mujer. The food was so good and the company was even better. We sat with our good friend and a couple that we are just getting to know. We laughed our way through the entire dinner. We discussed a little bit what the day meant and then realized that the room was full of international women so we were probably ok on our celebrations.
We finally got the details of Rob's benefits package and I'm just going to say that it is amazing and I am so grateful to the people that helped Rob get this job and mostly I'm grateful to my dear husband, who I love so much, and who I am so proud of for pulling this off. So much of our stress is gone concerning our financial situation and our future. The past year has been so amazing and we took such a huge risk, quiting our jobs and leaving home with the intention of just 1 year of adventure. Nobody could have foreseen that a year later, we would be living in Honduras, Rob would have the best job of his life, and that I would be a housewife who is preparing to be a stay at home mom. I'm not quite sure what we did to deserve it but my goal is to continue to be as nice and friendly and helpful as I can be to everyone that we meet because if there is 1 think that I have learned from the past year, its that you never know who it is that will change your life and just how dramatic that life change will be.
The other big news is that I am definitely showing. Its actually depressing which is why I havent posted a picture. At the moment, I dont think that I look pregnant, I just look like I have a fat belly. I was always lucky that despite everything, I had a nice small waist and now its mostly gone. My goal for next week is to post a picture. I'm excited for when my belly gets bigger and harder and instead of looking like I've put on some lbs that I will look like I have a baby in me.
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