As my butt is growing bigger, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about this topic. For anyone who hasnt been around me the past couple of years, here is some background. After getting married, I slowly started to put on weight. 2009 was my year to get rid of it all. I literally worked my butt off exercising almost daily and being super-careful about what I ate. It totally paid off and I lost over 20 lbs. More importantly, I actually got to a place where I was really comfortable with my body. Then for 2010, we traveled for almost the entire year. I was no longer able to work out or even really watch what I ate but we were living a very active lifestyle with little access to nightly snacks and I managed to keep the weight off very nicely. In November, I found out I was pregnant and then spent a month in Dallas gorging myself on all of my favorite foods and snacks that I just couldn't get down here. It was lovely but very quickly, my butt started to grow. It didn't help that everyone I was around was encouraging me to enjoy being pregnant and just eat. I'd kind of hoped that I would be one of those women who is sick all the time or at least totally turned off by food and doesn't gain a pound the first 3 months but luckily and unluckily, I am one of those women who never got sick and can't seem to get enough food in my body. After a month at home, I had to leave the jeans that I wore on the plane there. I just couldnt get them over my butt. I know that this is normal but I am terrified to gain too much weight and to end up one of those ladies who is really really fat after having a kid.
That brings me to here. I've settled in to my new home. Over the first few days of being here, I realized that this entire place is just stairways and more stairways. We have to walk up a mountain (or maybe just half a mountain) of stairs just to get from our hotel room to the restaurant for dinner. I thought to myself, this will be a breeze, I'll just walk the property over and over every day. Yesterday, reality hit me that I'm probably not going to walk the property every day but that there is a gym here and that I can probably have it to myself during the day. Of course I had to walk up a ton of stairs just to find it and I got a little lost since the door was locked so that added a few flights of stairs but I found it and spent a good 40 minutes walking quickly on the treadmill. I had to have someone unlock the door for me so hopefully today or tomorrow, I can get my own key and turn this into my daily routine.
As I walked on the treadmill, I thought about exercise and how important it is. I started thinking about labor, and how much work it will be and how helpful it will be to be in some sort of shape. I also stared at my butt in the mirror and thought about how nice it would be if it didnt get too much bigger and my arms, which I still like, but used to hate, and really dont want to hate again.
Well, that was the biggest thing on my mind.
Tonight, I get to stay at the big boss's house and puppy sit for his 2 cutie-pies while he is out of town.
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