I'll start by introducing myself and this blog for anyone that might not already know me.
I'm Debbie. A little over a year ago, my husband and I put our house up for rent, quit our jobs, put our stuff in storage, said goodbye to family and friends and got on a plane for Belize. Our plan was to travel by bus all the way to Panama City and that is exactly what we did. I kept a blog of the trip and you can read it here (or click the link on the sidebar).
After 8 months on the road, we just weren't ready to go back to our "real" lives. Luckily we made a lot of great friends during our travels. Rob, my husband, especially liked one particular guy that we met on the way and emailed, asking if he could use some help at his hotel/restaurant for a few months before we headed back to Texas and the real world. Lucky for us, he accepted our help and we headed back to Honduras. That is pretty much where my last blog stopped last September.
A few major things happened during that time. First, we grew to love Honduras and the particular area where we were staying near Lago Yojoa. Next, we made some good friends in the area. Pretty important to this story, Rob managed to get a job working for a mine down the road. The other important key to the story, is that I got pregnant!
Here we are in Honduras. Rob started his new job a few days ago and we will be moving into an apartment at the mine this weekend. I have found a doctor here in Honduras that I really like and have been to see him 3 times. I am officially 14 weeks and a few days which means that I am finally into my 2nd trimester and more comfortable with publicizing my pregnancy.
Whereas my last blog was a travel blog, this one will be different....a mommy blog. It was so therapeutic to be able to write out my feelings and ideas last year and I think that this year it will be even more important. At the moment, I dont really know any other pregnant women here, although it seems like every woman of child bearing age is either pregnant or has a small baby. I think it will be very important for me to have an outlet for my thoughts and feelings and to have a way to keep people up to date with what is going on with me without having to subject the world of facebook to pregnancy and baby news.
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