Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Update 32 weeks

This is going to be sort of a round up of what has been going on in my life since my last update.

First, I am 32 weeks along, which means that, theoretically, I have only 8 weeks left until baby time.  Everything is still going well but I am finally feeling like I cant do things the way that I used to.  Standing up generally gets a groan, along with getting dressed and picking things up off of the ground.  I've been without a full length mirror for the entire pregnancy and had the pleasure of looking at myself both with and without clothes last weekend.  It was not pretty.  I cant believe how huge I am!  Its amazing how you spend your life looking at pregnant women, thinking that it looks pretty normal, and then it happens to you and it just looks bizarre!  According to 1 website, my baby is about the size of a jicima this  I like the picture on my blog that, I think, shows a small watermelon which seems more on track.  How big is a jicima anyway?  Can they come up with something more obscure?  My next appointment is Monday.

In other news...lets see...last weekend I bought 6 nice size mangoes for about $1.  Yep, thats right, eat your heart out!  3 were perfectly ripe and 3 more are sitting in my fridge for another day or 2.  They are delicious and juicy!  I also bought a pineapple which Rob and I ate in its entirety last night.  One of Rob's guys gave us about 8 ripe avocados off his tree so I now have  giant bowl of guacamole in the fridge AND we have 3 coconuts off the one of the trees that I see outside my window because a coconut had finally fallen and Rob could call it a "safety issue".  The final fruit bonus here is that there is a lady selling the best fresh blueberries outside of the main gates every day.  Apparently, this area is well known for its blueberries and we are buying them for about $3.50 for 2 lbs of perfect berries.  I keep intending to freeze some but it turns out that Rob and I can eat 2 lbs of plain blueberries in less than 48 hours....even with all of the other fruit here.  At the moment, I have to say that the fruit is the best part of living here!

What else?  I was attacked by wasps last weekend at our friend's house and I cried!  Yep, I stood and full on cried.  I also bashed my head into the truck trying to escape the wasps.  In hindsight, I cant stop laughing about it although at the time it was pretty painful.

Next week, we take our first vacation as a couple since moving here...and I suppose our last.  We are going to head to the beach for a long weekend.  Rob has not left the area since we got here and he is desperate for a vacation.  We will also be celebrating my birthday.  Tela, here we come!  I was hoping to head to the islands but it dawned on me that it might not be a good idea to go that far from the hospital....they are about 3 hours from the hospital by car and then, what could be a rough 1 hour boat ride.  Rob asked, "what would you do if you went into labor on the boat?" and I responded, "I will make them turn that boat around."  And then I remembered that I am in Honduras and decided that Tela is less than 1.5 hours from my hospital and probably a better choice for a 3rd trimester vacation.

My last bit of news is that I started spanish lessons yesterday.  There is a woman here that teaches all the gringos and Rob has been doing great with her.  I decided that it would be a good idea for me to have some lessons too and try to focus on language that I will need in the hospital for talking to the nurses during the parto.  My first relevant word?  Dolor....look it up if you dont know it.

Other than that, it is still hot and humid here.  I'm swimming every day and mostly trying to stay off of my feet as much as possible.  I'm also warring with some tiny hormigas (ants) which have taken over.  I won a major battle this morning but the war is in no way over since I am greatly outnumbered.  Thankfully they dont bite and are just annoying but I've had all that I can take of them.

Thats all for now!

1 comment:

  1. A few more helpful hospital phrases:
    mas medicina, por favor
    tengo hambre
    necesito ir al bano
    empuje (that's what they'll be telling YOU)
