Sunday, May 15, 2011


My first (almost-a-)mother's day was really great. I headed out early and went to pick my mom up from the airport. Thankfully, her flight was ontime since I was worried that she would end up having a nightmare mother's day flight. Then we headed out for a fun day in San Pedro Sula of shopping and pizza at the highly recommended Nelly's pizza. We spent the night at the Hilton which was a real treat for me and then had day 2 of shopping, this time Pricesmart and the supermarket. Finally, came the part that my mom was really waiting for...the tour of the hospital and then the doctor's appointment. The hospital tour was a bit tricky due to a huge language barrier but we made it through and, hopefully, have a good understanding of how everything will go down. Its actually a pretty small hospital but we saw the nursery, the NICU (or UCIN as they call it in spanish) and the suite that we would rent. I was amazed at how cheap it will be....around $350 per day for the hospital stay. They did say that they would only keep me for a day, although my doctor said that I could stay for 2 days so that they can make sure that everything is ok with the baby. Then we headed to the doctor's office where he did a nice long ultrasound. As usual, his first order of business was to confirm that it is still a boy, which is a relief since he now has a full wardrobe of very boyish clothes. Then he did the 3d ultrasound. It was tough to get a good picture because the baby is laying with his face was pressing too close to the wall of the womb but we finally got this picture. He looks so cute and cozy with his little hand up next to his face. That is his thumb next to his left eye. The most important part was that everything looked perfect and all of his parts are where they should be and his little heart looked perfect.

After the appointment, we headed straight to the mine and my mom finally got to see my new home. I was so excited that we went ahead and set up the crib set so here is a picture of that.

1 comment:

  1. Love the crib area!! You and Rob have done such a good job that your new young man will have more than pleasant dreams!
