Monday, April 25, 2011


Ok, ok, everyone is begging for updated pictures and here some are. I think I look bigger in these pictures than i really am but that is what everyone wants to see, right?

It is Semana Santa this week and Rob has been off of work. Today, we had a great date. We went to the Taulabe cave with some friends and then out for a great lunch on the lake. I'd been wanting to see the caves for a while and they were totally worth the trip.

See the face?

Sorry that I've been so bad about blogging lately. I'm just not too motivated. I'll try to keep fairly regular until the baby is born...then, dont worry, I will be posting pictures.

It has rained for a little while every day for the last few days which is actually really welcome as long as we arent out and about. It had been almost a month since we had rain so its needed. The nice thing about rain here is that it is very rare for it to rain all day. It usually just rains for around an hour or so and the rest of the day is clear. The only problem is that the power goes out pretty regularly when it rains so we bought some candles today to be better prepared.

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