As a follow up to my previous is the breakfast that I made with the flowers. Just butter, onions, flowers, tomatoes and eggs. Beautiful, delicious and very Central American.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Flor de Izote / Yucca flower
After some internet research, I've determined that the flower from my post yesterday is the Flor de Izote which comes from a certain yucca plant. I have it soaking now and will cook it up in an hour or so.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Interesting Honduran Delicacy
This morning, one of Rob's coworkers brought him a special Honduran breakfast. They soak the petals from these flowers in salt for about an hour and then cook them up with onions and eggs. We have no idea what they are called but apparently, they only bloom during the month of May (or the tail end of April). The guy gave some to Rob for us to cook up so I guess I know what we will be having for breakfast tomorrow.
My front door
I'm not sure if I will ever really get used to this view out of my front door. Check out that coconut palm?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Ok, ok, everyone is begging for updated pictures and here some are. I think I look bigger in these pictures than i really am but that is what everyone wants to see, right?
It is Semana Santa this week and Rob has been off of work. Today, we had a great date. We went to the Taulabe cave with some friends and then out for a great lunch on the lake. I'd been wanting to see the caves for a while and they were totally worth the trip.
Sorry that I've been so bad about blogging lately. I'm just not too motivated. I'll try to keep fairly regular until the baby is born...then, dont worry, I will be posting pictures.
It has rained for a little while every day for the last few days which is actually really welcome as long as we arent out and about. It had been almost a month since we had rain so its needed. The nice thing about rain here is that it is very rare for it to rain all day. It usually just rains for around an hour or so and the rest of the day is clear. The only problem is that the power goes out pretty regularly when it rains so we bought some candles today to be better prepared.
It is Semana Santa this week and Rob has been off of work. Today, we had a great date. We went to the Taulabe cave with some friends and then out for a great lunch on the lake. I'd been wanting to see the caves for a while and they were totally worth the trip.
See the face?
Sorry that I've been so bad about blogging lately. I'm just not too motivated. I'll try to keep fairly regular until the baby is born...then, dont worry, I will be posting pictures.
It has rained for a little while every day for the last few days which is actually really welcome as long as we arent out and about. It had been almost a month since we had rain so its needed. The nice thing about rain here is that it is very rare for it to rain all day. It usually just rains for around an hour or so and the rest of the day is clear. The only problem is that the power goes out pretty regularly when it rains so we bought some candles today to be better prepared.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I just noticed that the little picture on my blog has, what looks like a cauliflower representing the baby this week. I'm sure that they could have some up with something cuter. I feel like I haven't given an update on the baby in a while. For the past couple of weeks, not only can I feel him kick but if I lay on my back, I can see my stomach move. If I lay the remote control on my belly, I can watch it flop around. This kid really hates when anything is pushing on my belly so its gotten pretty easy to get him going. I think that is probably the coolest thing so far. I'm fascinated by it. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I was really dreading another weigh-in because this time, I have no excuses for gaining too much weight since I have been doing almost all of my cooking. I know that I cook way healthier than at the mine restaurant but having a kitchen means more frequent meals and the dreaded snacking...oh and Rob's baking. I asked the doctor if we could skip the weigh in since I know that I feel big and I have resigned myself to having this stupid body that prefers to be big. I think the doctor finally realized how down I'm getting from his weight lectures and he gave me a really nice pep talk about how its normal to gain weight and after the baby is born, I can get back into shape. I've heard the talk from many people but it really meant a lot coming from him. Well, we walked over to that dreaded scale and drum roll please.......2 lbs gained! I felt great. I've even barely been working out so it shows me that eating at the restaurant for all of my meals really is terrible. They must be injecting fat into everything that they cook. I really needed that and have been feeling so much better about everything.
Lets see, what else? Today is a holiday here, so Happy Dia de los Americas. I'm hoping that the pharmacy in town is open because today I took the last of my prenatals. Next week is Semana Santa and it looks like we will be heading to Utila, the smaller island next to Roatan. We are really excited for a little vacation even though I know it is going to be a zoo. Our friend who lives there told us that it is like a full on spring break. I've never actually done a spring break so it should be interesting. The only other big thing for me is that I received an invitation for a coffee at one of the lady's house here. She is someone that I really like. I'm not sure who else was invited but I'm going to wear a dress and everything. Thats all for now.
Lets see, what else? Today is a holiday here, so Happy Dia de los Americas. I'm hoping that the pharmacy in town is open because today I took the last of my prenatals. Next week is Semana Santa and it looks like we will be heading to Utila, the smaller island next to Roatan. We are really excited for a little vacation even though I know it is going to be a zoo. Our friend who lives there told us that it is like a full on spring break. I've never actually done a spring break so it should be interesting. The only other big thing for me is that I received an invitation for a coffee at one of the lady's house here. She is someone that I really like. I'm not sure who else was invited but I'm going to wear a dress and everything. Thats all for now.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day trip
I'm sorry that I havent been posting as much as I used to. I'm having a hard time motivating on the blog since I am settling into normal life which doesnt really seem that exciting for blogging. Last week was pretty busy for me between the apartment getting fumigated which made me then have to clean every single thing to get the poison out, to a day in San Pedro, to a day where the computer broke and I spent all morning fixing it and blah blah blah.
Yesterday, we had a big day. Rob and I took our first big day trip. Rob's work truck isnt in great shape so we arent allowed to take it too far away but recently, our friend got a 2nd vehicle and told us that we can use his old truck if we want to go somewhere. I've been wanting a rocking chair and we were told that we could get some nice chairs in a town called Comayagua. I'd been wanting to go there anyway since I'd heard it is a nice colonial town with a really nice central park and very old church. The drive was probably the most interesting part of the day.
Not too long into our drive, we had to stop for a herd of cows to cross the road. Another interesting thing was the truck full of pineapple peels...I cant imagine what they are planning to do with them.

The whole drive, we drove by people selling things on the street. What is interesting is that you will have 30 people selling the same thing in 1 stretch of road, and then 30 people selling different, but the same as each other, things in the next stretch. One area, everyone had bottles of honey for sale. Of course, we had to stop and buy a bottle that had some nice looking honey complete with the honeycomb. Further down it was this awful, gaudy pained pottery for the garden....giant white swans, pink flamingos, frogs playing the banjo...they had everything but nothing that I would actually display at my house. Further down was the hammock section where I bought a hammock chair, which is something else that I have really been wanting. Once Rob hangs it, I will have a nice place to sit outside on our patio. Finally, we got back to the rocking chairs and found a nice comfortable one that I'm sure I will spend a lot of time in come July.
Yesterday, we had a big day. Rob and I took our first big day trip. Rob's work truck isnt in great shape so we arent allowed to take it too far away but recently, our friend got a 2nd vehicle and told us that we can use his old truck if we want to go somewhere. I've been wanting a rocking chair and we were told that we could get some nice chairs in a town called Comayagua. I'd been wanting to go there anyway since I'd heard it is a nice colonial town with a really nice central park and very old church. The drive was probably the most interesting part of the day.
Not too long into our drive, we had to stop for a herd of cows to cross the road. Another interesting thing was the truck full of pineapple peels...I cant imagine what they are planning to do with them.
Another thing I noticed (please disregard the dirty windshield) is that Hondurans have no idea what the yellow line means. They are very happy to pass into oncoming traffic over that pesky yellow line. I found it very nerve racking.
Comayagua did have a very nice church but the town was so HOT. Mostly we enjoyed some Burger King and air conditioning, before heading to Siguatepeque which was on the way to Comayagua and where we actually saw them selling rocking chairs.
Friday, April 1, 2011
I'm lucky that I wont be 9 months pregnant in the Honduran summer but we are right in the thick of it right now. Yesterday was my first real day of nasty summer heat and OMG, I felt so pregnant. I spent the afternoon outside visiting a friend because our apartment gets really hot in the afternoon and its actually nicer outside since there is a breeze. Then I cooked a very time intensive dinner so I was on my feet for over an hour. Dinner was delicious and worth it but when I finally sat down to relax after dinner my feet were HUGE! I've never seen them like that before. It was so uncomfortable. I was using the new cooler that I bought for transporting groceries as foot rest and ended up opening it and sticking my giant feet into the cool water. I can honestly say now that everyone is right, it much easier to be pregnant in the winter than in the summer. I hear a lot about summer here....that April is the hottest month....that the heat lasts until June. I know that I will be praying for an early rainy season!
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