Wednesday, June 29, 2011

OMG 3 more weeks!

I feel like my title says it all.  I'm not quite sure why 3 weeks sounds like an infinitely smaller time period than 1 month but it does.  I had my first twinge of panic about child birth.  I also had a chance to look in a full length mirror yesterday which I hadnt done in almost a month and I hadnt realized how huge I am both in my belly and my thighs and butt.  Honestly, I'm mostly past the point of caring as long as I can fit my butt into clothes.  The baby still hasnt dropped but I am looking forward to that since I've heard that I will be able to bend over easier and that has become really difficult.  I'm puppy sitting for the next few days and last night, they stepped on my feet with dirty paws.  I sat in the bathtub and tried to clean my feet and it was kind of a joke.  The punchline was when I tried to dry them.  And I have to apologize to my wonderful husband because in the last 2 weeks, my attitude toward pregnancy has gone from "Piece of cake" to "My back hurts, my feet hurt, I'm so tired, I cant sleep, groan, moan, complain, poor me."

Our little hotel/brewery where our baby was conceived has been sold and will be changing hands this weekend.  We are pretty sad about it but a little optimistic that, at least for a while, the staff will remain the same.  This weekend will be a 4th of July party there and I am actually really excited about it.  Burgers, hotdogs and fireworks will hopefully feel a bit like home at our home-away-from-home-away-from-home.  The next month will be full of changes for us but if anything has become normal for us, its change!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, you are almost to the end!! Isn't it amazing how fast 9 months flies when you are expecting!
