Tuesday, February 8, 2011

17 weeks

Here I am 17 weeks.  Its a lot harder to blog when I am just living "normal" life and not traveling to a different place every day.  At least I can count weeks to make sure that I post at least once a week.

After last week's avocado size comparison I was going to start a new tradition of eating that food on that week to celebrate but this week my baby is a turnip.  Not only have I never eaten a turnip but I dont really know what they look like, what they are called in spanish or if they even have them here.  I read somewhere else that 17 weeks is a sweet potato and I know that I can't find those here.

We are also done with our puppy sitting and back in our hotel room so its either foods from the restaurant or fresh fruits that I buy in town since we are without a kitchen again.  I suspect that it will be a month or so before we are able to move into our apartment.  There is a whole chain of moving that needs to happen before we can move and the first people havent moved out of their house yet to free it up for the people who are living in our apartment.  It was nice to live in the big house while we were puppy sitting and I suspect that the puppies were good practice for parenthood but I am a little relieved to not have to deal with them.  This hotel room is the closest thing that we have to a home right now and I'm happy to be back with all of my clothes so that I can mix up my wardrobe again.  On that note, I tried to put on a pair of capris that were big on me all last year and although I was able to get them on, they were too tight to actually go out in public in.  I'm still really depressed about my size.  I know I'm not that huge and honestly, people around here keep saying how good I look for 17 weeks but I know that my butt has gotten bigger.  I'm really ready for my tummy to get big enough to really look pregnant and maybe distract myself from my size.  In the mean time, I'm back at the bottom of the hill so its a lot stairs every day for me.

What else?  My new concern is about what we will do for meat once we get moved into the apartment.  The only meat that we can buy here or in the nearby town that is any good is the ground beef or whole chicken.  That means that we will have to really stock up when we go to the city (San Pedro) regularly.  It will give cooking a whole new challenge since Rob doesnt really like dark meat chicken but he believes that without meat, its not a meal.

I have doctor's appointment on Saturday morning and Rob will have to work so he wont be able to attend.  The mine provides transportation and this will be my first opportunity to use it.  It will be much easier than taking the bus and taxis and a good chance for me to see how it all works.  I hope that the doctor will do another ultrasound...he has done 1 for every visit.  Besides my size, I dont really feel anything and I dont really know if I've felt the baby move at this point so its always nice to get a visual to assure me that everything is ok.

More later..

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