It turns out that I wasnt as motivated to blog as I had thought. I still have tons of ideas for posts but they just dont seem to make it out of my head. The good news is that it is mostly for good reasons and only a bit because of my serious addiction to playing on my phone. Since my last post, everything has changed for me. To be honest, my first 2 months or so here were some of the most difficult times in a long time. It was dreadfully hot and I was having a terrible time meeting people. I was lonely and depressed. I was feeling like I had made a terrible mistake moving here. Hunter started school and I was feeling so hopeful that I could meet some of the other parents but it turned out that the rush to drop off and pick up our kids did not offer many opportunities to talk to other parents and honestly, they weren't very friendly. I was starting to think that the other families on this island already had all the friends that they needed and that there was no place for me.
So what has changed? First of all, the weather! In what seemed like an instant, we changed from hot and humid to perfect! The temperature hovers between 75 and 80. It is either beautifully sunny or rainy with very few all day rainstorms (besides today). That has helped a lot but the best thing that happened is that I have made some friends. Not just any friends but other moms! Not just other moms, but moms of kids the same age as Hunter. Not just other mom's with kids Hunter's age but actually cool people. There were lots of other mom's at the mine but first, very few had kids the same age as Hunter and second, as good as my Spanish had gotten, it was such a challenge to really communicate on a deeper level. As a bonus, 2 of Hunter's new friends will be in his class when he goes back after the holiday break.
So I'm terribly sorry for not posting more but know that it is because I am happy.