Friday, September 20, 2013

Another new beginning

I'm writing from sunny and warm Montreal.  2 year old Hunter is napping peacefully and Rob is finishing up his first week of work at his new job and getting ready to start a busy weekend moving us into our new house.  Nope, its not here in Montreal nor in Dallas.  We are really excited to finally be trying out life....drumroll ROATAN!  For anyone who doesnt know, Roatan is a little island in the Caribbean right off the coast of Honduras.  The truth is that Roatan is where it all began for us.  The story goes that we had just returned from an amazing little vacation with some dear friends to Jamaica.  As usual, we agreed that one week (or 10 days, I can barely remember at this point) just wasn't enough.  We started dreaming up details to remedy this "too short vacation problem".  One year seemed like it might be enough.  (I love hindsight....almost 4 years later we still haven't returned). 
We thought it would be fun to live in the Caribbean for a year so I googled "cheap caribbean island" which somehow led me to Roatan.  I'd certainly never heard of it but I liked what I saw online.  We started to talk seriously about spending a year there.  Many discussions later, my mother, who was probably terrified that if we did that, we would never come back, suggested that we travel for a year. (See

Lets fast forward now, throughout central america lugging our backpacks fromone town to the next, 3 more months living at the D &D brewery, 2 1/2 years living at the El Mochito mine in Honduras which included the birth of our son and countless long weekends back to Roatan which in no way resembled our backpacking year.  With Rob employed and baby in tow, we got to know the fancy resorts.  We swam in fancy pools and sat around in comfy suites through many naps.  Our love of Roatan grew.  White sand, clear blue water, lush green foliage and a population that always made us feel welcome.  Well, our time at the mine ended and this new opportunity interesting new job for Rob, where else but our favorite tropical paradise.

I think that pretty much brings this blog up to date. 

I have a new plan for this blog.  My life is so different than when I started blogging.  I am 100% domestic.  I have a new name....Mommy and it sounds like mommmmyyyyyyyy.  I cook and clean and search for play dates and toddler friendly restaurants and activities.  I carry a backpack almost as big as the one that i lived out of for a year but this time just for a morning outing.  My new life will have new challanges.  Our skin is not island brown and I will need to be vigilant with sun screen (or sour cream as Hunter says it).  Electricity is really expensive so I will be using completely different cooking techniques than at the mine where we didn't even have an electric bill.  We have a few friends already on the island but I need mommy friends and fast.  I need to get into bathing suit shape.  I need to get my little guy potty trained because in the last 2 months of insanity, he keeps asking to poopoo potty.  I want to blog about all of this.   Welcome back.