I started this post last week. I was feeling horribly low and very much regretting our decision to move here. I was hot, tired, lonely and overwhelmed with organizing our house and the new and different challenges of life here. Since I posted this, a lot has changed. First of all, I went to check out the library that is just down the road. I suspect that this library will be the subject of many posts in the future. I have also visited the preschool down the street and have hope that Hunter might be spending his mornings there, giving me more time for myself, my projects and maybe even some paying work. 3rd, we finally got our cable tv and internet. Finally, the heat has broken a bit. Its pouring rain today and even almost cool. I'm feeling excited about our future here
********** Written October 1, 2013 *********
Thank goodness, Hunter and I got here on Saturday. Sadly, Rob has been expecting the cable and internet to be hooked up since Thursday. The guys is supposed to come today....this will be my first lesson on living on a tropical island. Therefore, I am writing this offline.
It looks like I will be busy all week cleaning and organizing our house. I have a game plan, though. My goal is to unpack every box. I am finding locations for everything that we will be using and repacking things that we will not be using. I've already repacked a box of Hunter's baby stuff and have started packing us each a suitcase of winter stuff so we know where to go when we pack for somewhere wintry. In the mean time, I don't even want to look at sweaters, jeans, long-sleeve shirts, gloves, jackets, socks or anything else of the sort because, guess what???? Its hot here.
This brings me to lesson number 2 for living on a tropical island: Its hot AND humid. Due to the high price of electricity here, we are only running the AC at night. During the day, its fans and sweat. Honestly, its not terrible. I'm showering 3 times a day and we are saving a ton of money since our water heater is off and completely unnecessary here. I'm hoping the sweating will burn a lot of calories because there is no way in hell that I will be working out here.
Back to lesson 1. The cable guy just came and left and what a surprise, even though the lady in the office scheduled us for installation and took our money, it turns out that there isnt service to our house. That was the best option for cable TV and we are still without internet. Back to square one.
I suspect that my expectation for my first world life is impossibly high. At the moment, I am feeling pretty frustrated and negative.
On a positive note, our house is really coming together and our view is breathtaking. Hunter is as happy as any 2 year old can be, as long as I don't try to feed him anything he doesn't want or make him stop doing things that I don't want him to do. So far this morning, he threw tantrums over the following:
- I tried to feed him yogurt with his cereal instead of milk.
- I took away his wooden machete because he kept slapping me with it.
- I dragged him out of my bathroom for wasting toilet paper.
- Finally, I tried to put a diaper on him before his nap.
Top lessons learned so far about life on Roatan:
a. Nothing, it seems, will get done when a person says it will
b. Its hot and sticky